Great Lakes: drilling to explore for or produce oil or gas prohibited [Sec. 3325k] -
Act 16
Great Lakes Forestry Museum in city of Rice Lake [Sec. 451, 603q, r, 629do, dom, 9110 (10p), 9137 (5mk), 9437 (3mk), (3mkx)] [vetoed] -
Keyes Lake in Florence county: funding for recreational area [Sec. 1039bv] [vetoed] -
Lake Belle View and Sugar River project by the village of Belleville [Sec. 1261k] -
Act 16
Lake Koshkonong project [Sec. 1261g] -
Act 16
Lake management grant to Dane county re Fish, Mud, and Crystal Lakes [Sec. 9137 (8q)] [vetoed]
Lake management program and project grant revisions [Sec. 1318, 1319, 1320-1328, 3180-3199, 3201-3206, 9337 (2y), (2z)] -
Act 16
Little Rock Lake acidification experiment: sunset date extended [Sec. 1261gk] -
Act 16
Nonpoint source program grant to a lake district for a priority lake: uses specified [Sec. 3171] -
Act 16
Priority watershed funding extensions limited [Sec. 3176b] -
Act 16
Public access to body of water for fishing purposes: signage by DNR required [Sec. 1038dg] [vetoed]
Recreational boating aids for Fish, Mud, and Crystal lakes in Dane and Columbia counties [Sec. 9137 (2x)]
Act 109
Recreational boating aids for Great Lakes dredging: requirements revised [Sec. 1329] -
Act 16
Land recycling program changes [Sec. 3168n-v] [3168 n, r — partial veto; 3168p — vetoed]
Act 16
Land information board abolished; Wisconsin land council membership and duties revised; land information system provisions; land records fee and register of deeds duties; report and sunset provided [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]
Act 16
Smart growth data submitted to Land Information Board: format of initial information released by DOA [Sec. 343m, 9101 (19b)] [9101 (19b) — vetoed] -
Act 16
Brownfields green space grants program created [Sec. 620c, 3324h] -
Act 16
Brownfields site assessment grant program revisions; sustainable urban development zone program expanded; references to ``pilot program" in specific cities removed; cities of Fond du Lac and Platteville added [Sec. 3323b-3324db, 3696]
Act 16
Land information board abolished; Wisconsin land council membership and duties revised; land information system provisions; land records fee and register of deeds duties; report and sunset provided [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]
Act 16
Local subdivision regulation, land dedication, and fee payment [Sec. 367e] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Migrant labor camp repair, expansion, or construction: county zoning authority revised [Sec. 2002u, w]
Act 16
Property development rights lasting longer than 30 years: seller may bring action to recover difference in sale price and value [Sec. 3862w, 9309 (5z)] [vetoed] -
Smart growth data submitted to Land Information Board: format of initial information released by DOA [Sec. 343m, 9101 (19b)] [9101 (19b) — vetoed] -
Act 16
Urban conservation grants [Sec. 1036bx-y] [1036em — partial veto; all other sections except 1036wm vetoed]
Act 16
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns, and villages; 1st and 2nd class cities provision; landlord or receiver prohibitions; redemption revised
Act 86
Building acquisition, lease, or construction re correctional facilities restricted [Sec. 108b, c, e, 994d, 3337m]
Act 16
Lease-purchase agreements re state building construction [Sec. 108b, c, e, 994e, 9307 (1x)] [vetoed]
Private facility rental and space management supplement re leased facilities [Sec. 961ab-f] -
Act 16
Punch card voting systems eliminated; voting system transitional assistance provided; electronic voting equipment lease and sublease provisions [Sec. 2m-9y, 29p-69s, 76ab, ac, 81m, 87o-87s, 94sm-96m, 906m, n, 1994m, 9101 (20x), 9115 (1x), 9129 (1x), 9415 (2x), (2y)] [906m, 9129 (1x) — partial veto; 9101 (20x), 9115 (1x) — vetoed]
Act 16
Rental-purchase company and rent-to-own agreement: regulations created; Division of banking duties set [Sec. 3020p, 3020v-3021w, 3492f, r, 9120 (1d), 9320 (1d), 9420 (1d)] [vetoed] -
Stanley prison lease and report [Sec. 9111 (5gk)] -
Act 16
Theft of a rented or leased motor vehicle [Sec. 3939, 9359 (2)]
Act 16
Wisconsin Dells natural area: lease of state park land within boundaries of [Sec. 1147] -
Act 16
Public service commended and congratulations upon retirement [AJR-29] - JR-13
Credentialing fee methodologies used by DORL: JLAC requested to direct LAB to evaluate [Sec. 9132 (3v)] [vetoed] -
DOA program evaluation and management audit: JLAC requested to direct LAB to conduct [Sec. 9132 (1c)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Faith-based approaches to crime prevention and corrections; restorative justice program in Milwaukee county and a second county selected by AG; evaluation of DHFS and Corr.Dept AODA programs; inmate rehabilitation; LAB audit; legislative purpose and sunset provided [Sec. 1483j, 2002j, 3327r, 3333j, 3334j, 3354j, 4031j-r, 9113 (2m), 9132 (4m)] [3333j, 4031p — partial veto; 1483j, 3327r — vetoed]
Act 16
GIS mapping services: JLAC may request performance evaluation audit of DNR services; to include feasibility of privatization [Sec. 9132 (2z)] [vetoed] -
International and export development, Division of, position and audit; charges for international liaison services to state agencies [Sec. 3650-3652, 9110 (9mq), 9132 (5q)] [9132 (5q) — vetoed] -
Act 16
MA estate recovery program: JLAC to request LAB to perform a financial performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (3w)] [vetoed] -
Performance audits of large programs: LAB required to audit; report and toll-free telephone provision [Sec. 11m] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
Renew Wisconsin pilot program and cooperation regions; performance standards provisions; LAB to report annually [Sec. 2022s, t, 9156 (1d)] [2022t — partial veto]
Act 16
State-owned aircraft: DOA to select 2 for sale, proceeds deposited in general fund; JLAC to request performance evaluation of usage; study provided if audit not initiated [Sec. 9101 (20j), 9132 (3y), 9159 (3y)] [9159 (3y) — partial veto; 9132 (3y) — vetoed] -
Act 16
State procurement services: JLAC requested to direct LAB to conduct a performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (2ak)] [vetoed] -
Wisconsin School for the Deaf name changed to Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and service revision; Deaf and hard of hearing education council created; LAB audit required -
Act 57
Wisconsin School for the Deaf name changed to Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and service revision; Deaf and hard of hearing education council created; LAB audit required [Sec. 181m, 371b, 541r, 542, 545d-L, 1381g, p, r, 1416, 1489m, 1789b-d, 2639m, 2660m-2662g, 2764c, 2779s, 3938s, 9140 (3q)] [vetoed]
Biennial budget report and GAAP requirements; DOA and LFB duties [Sec. 115, 231, 232] -
Act 16
Long-range surface transportation investment planning committee created; DOT and LFB to staff; report required [Sec. 9152 (3b)] [vetoed] -
Prison impact assessment: LFB to prepare for certain bills and bill drafts [Sec. 97m, 114v] [vetoed]
Congressional redistricting based on 2000 census; LRB duty specified -
Act 46
Watchke, Gary: public service commended upon retirement from the LRB [SJR-37] - JR-28
Appropriation lapses and reestimates [Sec. 9232 (8z)] -
Act 109
Legislative hotline prohibited [Sec. 102p, 2304p, 9432 (1z)] [vetoed] -
Legislative party caucus staffs deauthorized; JCLO authority deleted; number of positions for Senate or Assembly maintained -
Act 19
State fair park board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated [Sec. 183h, i] [vetoed] -
Chronic wasting disease re cervids: funding, hunting, shooting from certain vehicles, and DNR authority provisions; JCRAR may extend certain emergency rules
Act 108
ATV regulation: DNR annual report to JLAC re impact of increase in conservation warden positions [Sec. 1066atk] [vetoed] -
Credentialing fee methodologies used by DORL: JLAC requested to direct LAB to evaluate [Sec. 9132 (3v)] [vetoed] -
DOA program evaluation and management audit: JLAC requested to direct LAB to conduct [Sec. 9132 (1c)] [vetoed] -
Jr2 AB-1
GIS mapping services: JLAC may request performance evaluation audit of DNR services; to include feasibility of privatization [Sec. 9132 (2z)] [vetoed] -
Inmate health care provisions; Corr.Dept reports specified; medical histories to appear on staff intranet [Sec. 3329e, p-u, 9111 (3c) - (3cd)] [vetoed] -
International and export development, Division of, position and audit; charges for international liaison services to state agencies [Sec. 3650-3652, 9110 (9mq), 9132 (5q)] [9132 (5q) — vetoed] -
Act 16
MA estate recovery program: JLAC to request LAB to perform a financial performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (3w)] [vetoed] -
State-owned aircraft: DOA to select 2 for sale, proceeds deposited in general fund; JLAC to request performance evaluation of usage; study provided if audit not initiated [Sec. 9101 (20j), 9132 (3y), 9159 (3y)] [9159 (3y) — partial veto; 9132 (3y) — vetoed] -
Act 16
State procurement services: JLAC requested to direct LAB to conduct a performance evaluation audit [Sec. 9132 (2ak)] [vetoed] -
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